Some inquiries have been received regarding the timing of events, which the Thousand Oaks Park Conservancy Project would like to address.
The July 1st date for the grand opening was determined according to the availability of Councilmember Rocha. He has led the way, with his unwavering support and encouragement, toward ensuring the protection and reservation of our park property. Our new park would not exist without him, so his presence at our opening ceremony is crucial.
Our construction start date was delayed due to the discovery of hatchlings in the red-tailed hawks’ nest. Our original start date was June 1st, but has been moved to June 14th, on the advice of the raptor expert with whom we’ve been consulting.
Our contractor, and neighbor, Dave Guthridge is volunteering his labor, so any help we can give him will increase our chances of finishing Phase 1 of our park project in time for the July 1st opening. This shortened window of time for construction is why we scheduled our volunteer workday on June 16th. This is not only an opportunity to show your support for Dave, but also your chance to be part of the park construction in a very real, hands-on way. Your help is needed, even if you can only
volunteer for an hour that day, so please consider signing up for all or part of a shift (8-11 am, 11-1 pm, or 1-4 pm).
Prior to the volunteer workday, Dave will excavate the trail and bench locations. He will install bender board and a layer of Visqueen (to prevent weeds from growing through the decomposed granite), and install forms to receive concrete where the benches will be placed. Dave will deposit truckloads of granite along the trail for spreading.
On June 16, work will include moving and spreading decomposed granite, mixing/pouring concrete for bench locations, and digging 8 post holes to receive signs.
For questions, or to sign up for a shift, please email
Future workdays will be scheduled for the creation of native plant islands, and for tending to the 25 saplings now identified on the property.
It is important to remember this is meant to be an ongoing project. It is in our best interest to enlist volunteer labor whenever possible to conserve our funds, as we do not want to find ourselves in a position where we need to fundraise multiple times.
Thank you,
Marsey Kahn & Jennifer Roberts Thousand Oaks Park Conservancy Project