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TONA General Meeting and Elections - October 16

Dear Thousand Oaks Neighbors:

On behalf of the Thousand Oaks Neighborhood Association (TONA), we invite you to our upcoming neighborhood general meeting on October 16, 7 - 8:30 PM at the Pearl Ave. Library (4270 Pearl Ave).

Besides updates from Board members, Councilmember Pam Foley and election of board members for the next two-year term (October 2019 - October 2021), we will hear special presentation from representatives of San Jose Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services (PRNS). PRNS's presentation focuses on both the Thousand Oaks Woodland Area and the main park, related to the survey work just completed by H.T. Harvey, and designation of the entire area as a heritage grove. PRNS will be asking for suggestions for park improvements (main park), using funding allocated to Thousand Oaks Park.

We wish to thank many of our neighbors for your volunteerism, donations, participation, and dedication in the past two years to improving the quality of life for our neighborhood through the preservation and development of the Thousand Oak Park and the Park Woodland Area, community events, 4th of July Parade, homeless drive, and many other community events and efforts. In addition, we thank the City of San Jose for approving both of TONA's BeautifySJ Cycles 2 and 3 grant applications, which have provided resources for additional park improvements and other TONA related expenses.

We look forward to seeing you on October 16, 7 PM.

Thank you.


TONA Board 2017-2019

President: Sam Ho

Vice President: Ted Earle

Secretaries: Mary Bitter & Marian Heinkel

Treasurer: Abhishek Joshi

At-Large Board Member/4th of July Parade: Marsey Kahn

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